Saturday, May 10, 2008

Happy Mother's Day to all!!!

Well, tomorrow's Mother's Day...
There are tons and tons of advertisments from Ogawa... yu yan sang... astro on demand etc...
but there is one advertisment touched me the most... which is the one with the voucher...
espeacially when the lit. boy said..'我爱妈妈...时间:永远永远'

there's a question popped out in my mind....
how long i didn't say 'Daddy, Mommy i love you'...
hmm... there is once my moral teacher said 'grab the chance to tell your parents that you love them' i think this is quite true...
and my Bm teacher also said..'let go your ego, what's so hard for you to say anything like i don't know or sorry, just be brave and say it'...

Yesterday night when i was in the car , on Lite'n'easy (104.4) there is a lady wanted to delicate a song to her father... when she was talking to the DJ, she cried...
DJ asked her why, she said her father just passed away that day and she said that she was beside her father all along and had plenty of chances to say 'I love you' but she didn't do it...
she regret...

there is a chinese saying '树欲静而风不止,子欲养而亲不待'....
so...i'll try to say that to my mum this year no matter what...
wish me luck so that my parents won't be frighthen like hell...haha....


Tee Jin said...

zi yang, i love you!!

see, how brave i am??

Noel_Ziyang said...

o...i also love you...